Friday, May 30, 2008

World Without End

by Ken Follett

This is the follow-up book to Pillars of the Earth, although it is not a direct sequel. It takes place 200 years later. They don't have to be read in order. I would say similar things as I did about Pillars: it's an easy read, despite being over 1000 pages, the characters are interesting, and so forth, but if I were to offer a criticism, it would be that many of the story lines were similar to the other book (evil men in power, smart women who overcome them.)

I enjoyed the character of Caris the most -- her experience as a woman who wants meaningful work drives much of the story.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Seduction of the Crimson Rose

by Lauren Willig

The latest in the Pink Carnation series, this time focusing on Mary Alsworthy and Lord Vaughn. I highly recommend this series if you like historical fiction, but do start with the first book.